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My name is Zaressa but you can call me Zee, and I’m so grateful our paths have crossed! I don’t take it lightly that you’ve landed here on "The Fine Print" blog. I believe there’s purpose behind this moment, and I pray that as you read, the fire of purpose that’s been lying dormant within you will be reignited.

Let me be real with you—I’m your cyber sister and battle buddy, walking alongside you on this journey. I’m on a mission to help you discover what God has placed inside of you. You see, I’ve told God countless times, “I’m not a writer,” and His response was simple: “I know.” Yet, here I am, writing—because following God sometimes means stepping into spaces you feel completely unqualified for.

Just like Moses, who hesitated when God called him because of his speech (Exodus 4:10-12), I’ve had my moments of doubt. But God isn’t looking for perfection—He’s looking for a willing heart. And so, I’m here, writing with the help of the Holy Spirit, trusting that He will use my words to inspire, uplift, and encourage you.

This space is not just about my journey, but about our journey together. Every week, I’ll be sharing a piece of my story, the lessons I’m learning, and the fine print of what God’s Word is teaching me. I hope that as you read, you’ll be reminded that even when you don’t feel qualified, God is more than able to equip you for the purpose He’s given you (2 Corinthians 3:5).

So, sis, let’s walk this out together. Even when fear tries to hold you back, do it afraid. God’s got you, and He’s got this.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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